Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Getz da Deskie!

MY hoomin bean tellz eber-bodiez  dat...

Fir longz timez my hoomin bean an ME aint gotz no tel-e-fone or da Internetz. OK?

So MY hoomin bean dunt sitz at our deskie bery muchie, so I getz to takez ober our deskie! OK?


Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, that couldn't have been any fun. Sitting at home without a phone or internet. But taking over the desk? Yep, that's fun.

Carol said...

Alex, You are definitely good at seizing an opportunity when you see it! Now that there is internet service, are you banned from the desk?

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Alex, you've certainly made it your kingdom, haven't you? Simi and I think you look very handsome, too!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hey, Alex! Gosh, no interweb means no contact wif alla us! Gettin da desk is ok, but... it's more fun to take da desk when a bean is tryin to use it! Den Mom talks to me an gives me rubs. I don't lissen but I fink she says I's a big help. You's a big help to yur hooman, too. Ok?
PS We's furry sry to hear bout Ms. Kitty. Her was lufly.

Everycat said...

The desk looks much better with you on it Alex. We hope your net connection comes back soon.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Alex, you are doing a great job of taking over!!!

We have missed visiting with you!!!

Love, uSSSSS

Jans Funny Farm said...

Are you without phone and/or internet again? You really need it. They should fix it. We hope you are okay.

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

I think she says you a do big help
you know that.Purrs.