Friday, October 2, 2009

Lookee Whatz MY Hoomin Bean Dune fir ME

It be koldz now. MY hoomin bean telled ME dat it aintz bery koldz but I tinkz dat it be bery bery kold. OK?

So MY hoomin bean he putz dis thingie dat makez it be warmz in his baffroom. It aint MY baffroom 'cause I can baffz myselfz and I dunt getz in no nassy wasserz. OK?

Dis tingie makez da baffroom realz warmz. OK?

Den MY hoomin bean he putz nice towelie tingie on da floorz and I makez it intoz a nesty beddie fir ME! OK? And I sleepz nice and warms. OK?


The Island Cats said...

Hi ya, Alex! You're gonna be real warm this winter we can see!!!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Daisy said...

Alex, you are so lucky to have that heat-machine to curl up next to! Your dad takes good care of you.

j said...

I love all of the snuggly photos. Be it with a heater or in the sun, you sure know how to relax!

Parker said...

That looks very warm amd comfy Alex! I am happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Nothing worse than a cold kitty, right Alex?

China Girl said...

Alex, I think that you are very lucky to own such a nice human!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Oh, you're going to be so warm and cosy, ALex! Love, Pat and Simi xx woof!

jody said...

u r sooooooooooo cute, Alex!