Dis be MY hoomin beanz peace globie. OK? He haz a songie on hiz peace globie. OK?

Sooooo I tellz MY hoomin bean dat I wantz songie onz MY Bloggy Blastz fir PEACE, too! OK? And MY hoomin bean he helpz ME putz dis songie on my bloggie. OK? It be nameded Blowin' in the Windz. OK? You canz pushie buttonie on dis thingie and den you hears da songie. OK?
Wonderful Peace Globe Alex.
Jennifer: Tank u! I hopez dat eber bodiez be atz peace. OK?
I like your peace globe, Alex, and I do love that song.
Much peace and many kitty treats to you!
Tank u, Carol. My hoomin bean helpeded me makez dis globie. OK. I getz lotz ob kitty kat treatz, too.
Hugs and peace to you, Alex!
Tank u, Daisy! I gib u huggiez & lots of peace too! OK?
Tank u, Walk in the Woods! Lotz ob peace to u, too! OK?
We supportz yu 100%! and we purrz fur peace efuryday.
We du drawz teh lyne, haowefur, at teh (dawgz). Sorree.
Great postie loved the songie!
Peace to you, little Alex. You are a very, very special kitty cat.
i like ur peace globie, alex, & ur songie. very nice.
Mr. Alex, you have made a really good peace globe.
Love your globie, Mr Alex. My doggie, Jersey - The Furry Diva, thanks you from the bottom of her tummy. She told me to send some extra-sloppy peaceful nose-licks over. OK? ;-)
That is very clever of you and your human beanz, Alex, and Simi completely agrees with you. Love and peace from Sicily. xx woof!
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