Monday, February 8, 2010

More Nassy Fluffy Wasserz!

MY hoomin beans sayz dat da nassy fluffy wasserz dat be fallinz wight nowz be fallinz untilz WEDNESDAY!




Anonymous said...

Dear Friend Alex,
I asked to go out to hunt the birdies and my hoomin beans let me go... but it was SO COLD!!! I had to ask to come back in without any birdies even flying away.
My hoomin bean posted pictures of it today. Come by and see me in the snow!
Your Friend,

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Cleopatra & kcinnova! Yes, I comeded by ur bloggie tingie & seed dem pikturez. OK? It looeded bery bery koldz & lotz ob dat nassy fluffy whitez wasserz! Buurrrrrr!!!!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We is in da house, Alex, and we maked sure our beans is here too.

Chris said...

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CHINA GIRL said...

Alex, you are a cool but not cold cat!

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