Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nu Pikturz ob Sugar and ME

Here b sum nu pikturz ob ME and Sugar. OK?

Diz b Sugar lookinz fir kitty kat tweatz in da gwoceries. OK?

Diz be ME an MY hoomin bean. OK. U no dat MY hoomin bean be Sugar's hoomin bean 2?

Diz b ME and Sugar pwaying. OK?
Diz b Sugar an Anne. OK?
Diz b ME in MY hoomin bean'z chairie tingie. OK?
ME an Sugar pwayz lotz. OK?
I b sleepyz. OK?
ME an Sugar b nappiez. OK?
Sugar nappiez wif Anne an I nappiez on da foor. OK?
Sugar haz pwetty eyez. OK?
Diz b wherez I likz 2 sleepz.
Dat b all da pikturz nowz. OK?

I showz u more pikturz soons. OK?

U likz diz baggie thingie?
U getz 1 atz my store  


T said...

Cute & funny

Daisy said...

Sugar looks like a good friend!

Abby said...

Nice photos

D.R.W. said...

Two beautiful kittens!

Jans Funny Farm said...

How neat you have a friend to play with and a human being to watch over you both.

Thanks for the well wishes for Jan's birthday. She had a good day. :)

The Lee County Clowder said...

Two comfy kitties dozing with, and on, their pet beans.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Looks like you and Sugar are having a great time, Alex. Love from Simi and me. Woof! xx