Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Whatz I dun dooz todayz

Todayz I playz n rollz roundz on our kon-cretie porch:

Den I comez insidez our housie.

Den I nappiez wiff MY hoomin bean.



Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Poetikat! Tasha who comez to our housey to cleanz it (an my litter boxie) takes dem pikturez. She be a berry nice hoomin bean an she habz 3 hoomin kittehz atz her housey an dey comez an bisitz me an dey dunt treatz me likz I iz a dolly toy. OK?

Jans Funny Farm said...

Now that's a good day.

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Naasy somebodiez putz 'nother postie on MY bloggie againz! MY hoomin bean deletez it! OK?

I wishez dem nassy nassy nassy somebodiez stopz dis! OK?

Unknown said...

I am sorry sorry that those nasty people keep doing this to your blog, Alex. I have asked Blogger to help us stop them but Blogger still doesn't seem to understand the problem.

Anonymous said...


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What great pictures of the purrfect day! We think that your hoomin looks like a very nice hoomin!!! Okay???

Love, uSSSSS

Everycat said...

This looks like it was a very good cat day Alex.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Simi says: "It's great to read a blog by someone who writes proper English, Alex! Woof!"

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Jan's Funny Farm! Yez, dat waz aberry nice day! It waz betterz den yesserday whenz MY silly hoomin bean for-getz dat I iz cattingz roundz outsidez n I getz caughtz by nasser thunner stormz!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, MY hoomin bean! Tankz u fir helpinz ME getz ridz ob nassy hoomin beanz postie on MY bloggie. OK? Now, nextz timez I iz outsidez kattin' roundz plez memberz dat whenz nassy wasser comez frum da skiez. OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Taylor CatSSSSS! Tank U! I likz dem pikturez n I tellz MY hoomin bean n Mz. Tasha hoomin bean to takez more pikturez of MY dayz. OK? Yez, I haz a berry nice hoomin bean CEPTZ whenz he forgetz I iz outsidez in da thunner stormz. OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Everycat! Tank U! Yez, dat wuz a berry berry nice kitty kat day! OK? Today iz nuther nice kitty katz day; whens I dunwritinz commentiez 2 my bloggie tingie I iz goingz outsidez n katz roundz atz MIDNIGHTZ! OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Simi n Welshcakes Limoncello! Tank U fir cuminz 2 MY bloggie thingie! Hoomin beanz askeded ME how comez I spellz liokez I dun n I tellz dem dat dat iz 'cauze MY silly hoomin bean talkz 2 ME dat wayz! OK? Simi, I makez U one ob MY woofie doggie frenz. OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Bill (digitalzen)! iz sorriez dat I skippeded U whenz I sayz 'Hi' 2 eber bodiez. OK?

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hey, Alex, it's Simi again! My human is putting you on her blogroll - and about time, too! Lots of friendly woofs from Sicily !xx

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Oh, tankz u, Simi! Dat be berry, berry nice. OK?