Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Berry Berry Silliez Hoomin Bean

Lookz whatz  MY silliez hoomin bean makez nowz!

I waz NOTZ cat-nip-pied! I waz jist nappiez! OK?

In caze u wonnerz boutz Ms. Kitty, she dunt hurtz but she dunt canz climbz & jumpz likez she dun whenz she iz a young kitty kat. OK?

Maybe u likez to goez & purrz or woofiez atz Ms. Kitty & her hoomin here. OK?


Carol said...

Yeah, Alex, that's what they all say... "I was just napping!" ;-)

Kat-nip-pied or just nappiez, you are a cutie.

Ms. Kitty thanks you for caring about her. She says she's happy and enjoying her new bed on the floor. I hope that I don't have to sleep on the floor when I'm more than 96 years old (that's how old she is in hoomin years!).

Hugs to you!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Butz, Ms. Carol, I wuz jist nappiez! OK?

I iz gladz dat Ms. Kitty be happiez. OK?

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sure....just napping....okay...we believe you.....okay??? :)

We will go and visit Ms. Kitty!

Have a great day!!!

Love, uSSSSS

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hello, Alex. It's Simi and her hooman here. We are glad to hear Miss Kitty doesn't hurt. You are a very caring cat. Love, Simi and Pat xx