Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MY Hoomin Bean Sayz dat Autumnz Iz Now

I sitz at da doorz an I watchez da nassy wasserz fallz downz an I ain't happyz. OK? 

Sooooooz, MY hoomin bean sayz, "Alex, it's Autumn now. Soon the leaves will be changing color and falling to the ground and you can chase the falling leaves and roll around in the piles of leaves like you do every autumn."

OK? I likez to playz wiff da leafz! I likez dat a bigz bunch! OK?


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

§Simi thinks you'll have a lot of fun playing with the leaves, Alex. Not long to wait now! Love from us. xx woof!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Tank u, Simi & Mz Welshcakes. I dunt getz to playz outsidez bery much todayz 'cause MY hoomin bean dunt feelz goodz & he sleepz lotz & I nappiez wiff him. OK? Maybez soonz I getz to playz wiff dem leafz. OK?

j said...

Aw! I can picture you playing in the leaves and it makes me smile!

Elizabeth said...

Do you go outside? I don't, It's scarry.
