Monday, November 23, 2009

My Sillyz Hoomin Bean Fallz on hiz Azz!

Yesterday MY sillyz hoomin bean comes down the hallwayz so dat he canz be outsidez wiff me on da deckie. OK?

Den MY sillyz hoomin bean dunt liftz hiz hind pawz upz nuff & MY sillyz hoomin bean twipz ober dis tinkie on da floorz. Seez:


So I runz to him & I helpz MY sillyz hoomin bean getz upz off da floorie. OK?

So MY sillyz hoomin bean gibz ME somez bery nice kitty kat tweatz. OK?

Den MY sillyz hoomin bean & ME watchez footzballz on da TV tingie.

& MY sillyz hoomin bean dwinkz a beerz!



Lynilu said...


I'm glad you're there to watch out over your hoomin bean, Alex!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Poetikat! I be glad dat MY bean be OKz 2!

U waz gonna spwayz Harry wiff nassy wasserz? Dat not be bery nice, u knowz! I hatez nassy wasserz!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Lynilu! Watchin affer MY silly hoomin bean be lotz & lotz of workz, u knowz!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad he wasn't hurt. You'll have to teach him to lift his feet, Alex. We have a problem with Jan too. Must be a human failing.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor hooman beanz was lucky he did not get hurt to bad. Our mom fell on her azz on da stares and cracked a tail bone. We din't even know dey had dem!

Daisy said...

Oh dear! I am glad he didn't get hurted very badly. Falling down is scairty!

chica40208 said...

i am glad hes ok i feel down 8 stairs yesterday and i am in alot of pain cus i feel on my sholder

Abby said...

Have a happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Alex.

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Jan's Funny Farm: Yez. I be happz dat he be OKz to feedz ME! OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Zippy, Sadie and Speedy: Yez, MY hoomin bean waz luckyz cause he aint gotz 9 livez likez ME! OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

chica40208 : It be berry nicez to seea u! I ve sorryz dat u fallz downz 2. OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Abby: Tankz u! It be almostz deh day whenz my hoomin bean & ME eatz dat turkeyz dat be inz out ice boxy. OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Daisy: Yez. When hoomin beanz fallz dey dontz landz on der pawz likez uz kitty katz. OK?

Carol said...

I'm glad that you helped your silly hoomin. You know, we hoomins don't have as many paws as you, so it's easier for us to fall.

Anonymous said...

Alex, I'm glad your hoomin is better enough to watch football and drink beer! Did he share any with you?
Your hoomin looks like Santa Claus. Does Santa Claus ever fall on his azz? ;) I bet he does!!
But I hope your hoomin doesn't fall very often. My dad fell 2 years ago and it was a long time before he felt better! Maybe it was because he didn't have a nice cat like you to make him feel better?

San said...

Alex, I'm so glad you were there to rescue the silly one. He's silly, but he's awfully cute. (No, not as cute as you. Never.)