Thursday, December 10, 2009

It Be Koldz Outsidez

It be too koldz to catz aroundz outsidez. OK? So I tellz MY hoomin bean to openz doorie so dat I canz looks outsidez. OK? But it be too koldz to sitz in doorie wayz so I sitz backz here & I looks out da doorie. OK?

MY hoomin bean he dunt likez dat. MY hoomin bean sayz dat da openz doorie letz heatz out & koldz in. OK? Still he be nice hoomin bean & he dunt closez doorie until I be dunz lookingz out. OK? Aint dat nice ob MY hoomin bean?



Anonymous said...

Friend Alex,
My hoomin bean letz me lookz out the doorie made out ob glazz. I seez the birdiez and I wantz to go out. So my hoomin bean openz the doorie, but she clozez the doorie behindz me! Then I am so bery coldz! Then I come back insidez and I dunt askz to go out again!
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Poetikat! Yez, MY bean be bery nice. OK? We aint gotz no nassy fluffy wasser now. OK? I dunt likez nassy fluffy wasser. It getz my pawz colz & wetz. OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Kcinnova & Cleopatra! We aint gotz no doorie made out ob glazz. MY hoomin bean sayz dat we wouldz be warmerz if we hadz one. OK? Sometimez MY hoomin bean closez doorie when I be outsidez, too. Den I haz to scratchie on da doorie wiff my clawz so dat MY hoomin bean openz da doorie & I comez insidez. Den I findz warmy place to be so dat I getz rids of the coldz in MY fur. OK?

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, Anonymous! I dunt thinkz dat u can buyz a un-ie-korn. Dey be magic & I dunt tinks dat magic canz be buyeded. OK?

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Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, 123 123! U be sillyz hoomin fluz-zee. OK?

The Crew said...

Our Mom would never let us sit with the door open - NEVER!!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Hi, The Crew! Dun U eber putz ur bery sharpz cwawz in ur Mom's leg? Maybez ib u doz dat lotz likez I doz 2 MY hoomin bean ur Mom letz u doz lotz ob tingz. OK?